The police here seem to enjoy pulling me over about once every couple months during my lunch break.

I've taken lunch at 3AM (night shift) every weeknight for 2 years. Once in awhile, as I leave the parking lot, a cruiser drops in behind me, and proceeds to follow my car, usually within a few feet of my rear bumper, for a few blocks then on come the wigwags.

I pull into a parking lot and sit in the car for 10 minutes while the officer masturbates, finishes his donut or whatever he's doing that takes so long. No biggie I just talk with whoever is in the car with me. Eventually he waddles up to my car and asks what I'm doing. "Reasons" for pulling me over often include such great lines as "You took that corner back there pretty fast", "I saw your vehicle exiting the Double Duece (bar located in the same mall as WalMart) lot", and one time because "You'll have to remove your aftermarket driving lights, they are too bright for on road use" (Stock focus fog lights)

My car is not hard to remember, alot of people around the city know me just by my car. It's one of about 10 ZX5s in the city, it's the only blue ZX5 in the city, and it has a giant Knukonceptz logo in the back window. I've been pulled over by this particular retard 7 times now, and 12 times in total by the idiots that get to drive CVs around this city.

I always tell him the same thing. I'm out for lunch, I work at WalMart, and I'd like to at least try to eat something before I head back. Last time I was more than a little angry about it. I guess I snapped when he shone the flashlight right in my eyes again. I asked why he keeps pulling me over despite knowing damn well I'm just on my break from work and getting something to eat. I guess it was a bad idea since he took my registration and license back to his car and sat there for a half hour. I waited. When he got back I told him if the same scenario plays out again I will have my attourney contact him and file a harassment suit against him personally. I have his name, and I have the car number and times marked down of the last 5 stops. I don't think he liked that much. That's fine I don't really care much for him either, he can shove that flashlight up his ass. If it happens again I might do it for him.

I'm not the only one it happens too either, last year my friend lost his license because after being pulled over twice in one lunch break he got mad and started getting lippy. The cop started writing tickets for various problems his car had. It was an old car and had rust, the dash lights stopped working, the exhaust was leaking behind the manifold. He got a few fixits

The problem of traffic violations/power abuse has come up a few times too. We'll be sitting outside on 8th street (main drag here) and see a cruiser pull up to the lights. He'll flip on the wig wags, go through the red, and pull into Tim Hortons for his coffee break. They like to blow through anything resembling intersection, nearly ran over a couple of my co-workers once.

I've determined that the police here are some of the worst people I've ever met. Complete losers with nothing to do. It's catching up to them though. A couple of them lost thier jobs for taking a drunk man out to the city limits and ditching him there. It would have been a wrist slap, only it was -30C and the man froze to death. More recently there have been sexual harassment problems going public.

Long story short, not all cops are "pigs" although that's not a good word to use. Some officers are really great people. Some are just complete [censored] and don't deserve to wear the uniform.

2003 Ford Focus ZX3 "Tarmac"