Originally posted by TropicalSVT:
Originally posted by cvkillacontour98:
out her ein kissimmee florida the police are the worst. they rented a truck with a truck liek the ones the elictric compant has with a scissor lift and parked it in a median with a radar gun. they wrote morte than 1,000 citations in 2 days. thats what you call having nothign better to do. and the drive to work for me is 15 miles on a 4 lane road that is 45mph half way through and about 8 squad cars waiting behind a brick wall. at the same time a few at a busy intersection watchign for those who dont coem to a complete stop to make the rigth turn onto the main highway after that long road. whiel all this is ha peopel are calling ther peopel and wondering why they are taking so long. also when a car is stopped about to other squad cars pull up for no reason even if the car has one person in it. once i was stopped for my tint and it took 3 under cover cops to do the job and i was just sittin in the car the whole time with groceries in the back seat. i think its pathetic. i have no respect for them. once i got stopped and they even called out the chopper. and i saw in the paper the other day that they want to add more officers to the local police force cause there arent enough. i think they need to focus on othee things other than peoe;l speeding. at the end of the month thats when there are speed traps all over. ever since they built this new road the city has been wanting to cash in on it. many do agree 45 on a 4 lane highway is rediculous. once a big brawl broke out in my friends neighborhood and took the cops like an hour or more to get there after it all ended and the peopel were hurt real bad. but hey atleast they caught a few people speeding. its a shame

If you knew Kissimmee, FL you would understand and give this guy a little slack.

Some of the quotes in this thread are unbelieveable. How some of you portray your disrespect for law enforcement officers because they should be getting the people who are breaking the real laws. I have news for you, if you drive over the posted speed limit, chances are that the legislature in your state has deemed that a violation of law. Whether you are 1 mph over, 10 mph over, or 50mph over, you can be stopped by a police officer.

It also seems as though some of you believe that we as police officers recieve some sort of personal benefit from writing you a ticket. What do you think that I get? A cut of the fine? A promotion? A letter from my supervisor saying how good of an officer I am? Usually what I get is a trip to court on my day off. Sometimes I get a nice comment from the motorist on the roadside. But, I always get the satisfaction of knowing that you will be thinking about that chunk of change you lost next time you think about endangering the lives of innocent people by BREAKING THE LAW.

Lithium, I hope you take a vacation to Mickey land in FL one day. And, I hope to see you on the side of the road. BTW - speeding fines in FL are pretty steep. I will be there for you when you are the victim of that highway robbery you keep complaining about, trust me....

Some of you need to walk in the shoes of a professional before you open your mouth and make yourself look like a fool.

I was already at mickey land. Six flags is where it's at...

Who makes these laws? Oh yeah, those nice friendly honest politicians... almost forgot. Just because something is the law, doesnt mean it is right or wrong. Police are just doing their job, ok I understand that, but many abuse their power.

So, its legal for a cop to endager lives on the road when they are doing about 65 on a busy street in Chicago? I dont see how that is. Oh and laws dont really apply to politicians unless it has to do with them taking money from the government. heh, so I feel like bringing up amsterdam again. How high is the crime rate there? How many issues do they have there? If you think about it, some laws actually induce crime. Marijuana is illegal, ok... so now drug dealers are out on the street selling it to minors and carrying guns. This is better than it being legal, and stores actually selling it? I dont do drugs, but just imagine if it was legal. Alcohol causes more problems than marijuana ever has. OH yeah, and that brings me to another point. Some of my friends have been stopped by a cop and could have been arrested for posession, but what the cop did, is he took the stuff for himself and let them go. He took their lighter too. (hmmm, i wonder?)

The autobahn also comes to mind...

Some of you need to walk in the shoes of the other person before you open your mouth and make yourself look like a fool.