Originally posted by lithium398:
Originally posted by MrsFurby72:
If ya wouldn't have been breaking the law, no matter how small, you wouldn't have gotten caught. Simple. Grow up. Let's see you call them "pigs" next time somebody robs you, hits your car, or whatever might happen.

1) I wasnt breaking the law... or atleast havent been caught yet *knock on wood* I havent been pulled over.

2) If somebody robs me, a cop wont be there at the exact moment to "save" me. They will write it up, tell me they will do something about it, and go back to fining jay walking or 5mph-over speeding.

3) If someone hits my car, the cop aint paying for it, its going to be my insurance.


...you guys love to get a "rise" out of anything. If you actually think into what I have to say, and try to see my point, you might learn something. BUT most of the time, it is just have fun and see your reactions. Some people take a long time to realize it. *cough*mrsfurby*cough*

Get a life and stop getting so angry over some teenager posting stupid remarks online. How many posts on here are from people mad about my word-choice... 5! I like this site and all, but damn its full of prudes and hypocrites.

edit: This doesnt refer to kremit, swazo, crazydrver, and freakshow... i agree with what they had said.

Post- cops cant be everywhere at the same time , youre an as hole

Aborted: Not worth my time.