both group buys are not going away. they were just put on hold. the body shop got realy busy and could not spare any time for this stuff. I have a friend drawing up a couple of puctures for the desighn of the hood scoop.

It will be the scoop and all of the components needed to install it. The price is still up in the air because we are still not quite sure how complex all of this will be. but im hoping for it to be in the 200-400 canadian range. Rember thats Canadian funds, so anyone american that will buy it iw will be cheeper.

When the picture is done it will be posted. im sorry for the delay it has just been realy hectic around here lately between school and work. I dot have much time to cordinate whith the shop lately.

1999 SVT black And a Blond Haired Blue eyes girlfriend. How can it get any better?