I have a decent story, I wasn't quite in trouble but defintly scary!

On the way back to home me and my 2 friends... I was not driving by the way...
Anyways one of my friends had to go to work and was very late, so he was speeding doing about 150 KM/h, I was sittin in the back (91 Golf) and worst thing happen's. we pass a cop! I Instantly shout out cop and he is already tryin to make a U-turn.. but theres to much traffic.. so we fly around the first upcoming intersection at about 60... THIS IS IN THE SNOW... and then we swing to the right into someones driveway, well the car over steered and went straight into a sign... yet my friend is still freaking... starts the car and hides behind a huge barn for about five minuits... then we leave, the cop wasn't around, but after we been driving for about 10 minuits I look behind and what do you know!! its the cop, so he pulls us over.. and asked us where we were heading and sayed he saw us fly by him clocked at 146 in an 80 zone.. but then he tells us since he lost visual for more then 5 minuits he can't charge my buddy!!! and he sayed he KNEW it was us tough. so we got off with warning

Very scary and stupid indeed, good memory tough.. everytime i see the golf with the huge DENT in the door I laugh!

1997 Civic CX (lsvtec,el frontend,fast, nuff said)