in my 83 elky:
$300 ticket
$100 for Excessive smoke
$100 for excessive noise
$100 for speeding
i left a gas station with the tires blazin, 150' worth of rubber and a cloud of smoke so big i couldnt even see the blue lights on the cruiser sitting behind me.
got it reduced to $70..hey, what can i say, bad valve seals and a loose belt. the magestrate was feeling generous.

In the SVT:
85MPH in a 65MPH zone
Failure to stay within marked lanes
unsafe lane change
and i thikn i pissed him off when i passed his field sobriety test with flying colors (i was sober)
i just forgot to use my directional.
it was 1:30AM and i was only about 1/8th of a mile from my exit and my house is less than 1/2 a mile off the exit.

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?