Originally posted by cwcsvt1:
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
Originally posted by MCconnection cc:

Yea like thats somehting you will find on CEG...

exactly because there's a time and place for everything.
I don't see the need to single out female contour owners on this site.
Normally, I'm all for checkin out the ladies, etc, but we're all enthusiasts here. Who cares what our sex is.

I agree. This place is for CEG, not meeting ladies, u wanna meet girls in contours, go race em or talk to em

Wait I didnt find anything offensive when he asked if their are any ceg ladies here. Honestly I haven't met that many. I thought this thread was squashed but I think the point he was trying to make was he hasnt seen any girls in his area driving nice contours. Probably only old people. I live in CA and I havent seen any contour owners take pride in their cars. Like I said pretty much all the contours i see have old people in them who dont know how to drive.

tired of the bs