Originally posted by BURNTU2:
Originally posted by MotorCity:
I don't think he was trying to pick anyone up...sheesh. Cut the guy some slack.

He was simply asking if there were any females here. This could be a person of any age. I think he was just curious to see what types of people are out there on CEG.

Thanks for the support MotorCity, you are absolutely correct! This is getting out of hand what everybody is saying. Nudie pics, looking for singles, trying to get a date?? Who said anything about any of that! I can't make it to the meets because I live across the country from you guys. I was curious as to how many women are part of this group and into contours, that's all! It's not racist, it's not singling anybody out, and there is nothing wrong with me asking what I did. Thanks MrsFurbuy72 for replying and also GrnSVTour00, any ladies offended by me asking, simply don't reply. As for you crazy liberals posting on here, calling me names, and blowing this whole thing out of proportion, kiss my conservative a$$ & take your insane opinions elsewhere.

Can any one take a joke any more...i thought the "LMAO" at the end of my post would tip you off that i was just having fun.

And i never called you names, and i never blew it out of proportion, i was just having fun with a post that could be taken in many ways...please forgive me i didnlt know fun and sarcasim was outlawed here ....I see it so many times on the boards i got use to it.


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles