Originally posted by 2&1/2:
Like someone pointed out above, alot of salesmen (NOT ALL) have no idea what they are selling. Some will even sink so far to trash other nameplates (i.e. a VW salesman comparing a Jetta to a 3 Series), assuming you are gullable enough to believe their load of bull.

Then again it works on about 80% of the people that step foot in showrooms because most people are too lazy to do their homework and rely on useless facts from Consumer Reports not to mention the whole thought of a car to get from point A to B

end rant

I acknowledged that, several times in this thread. However, there is no excuse for someone making stuff up that they don't know.

I'm pretty sure there is product documentation, other experts to contact etc.

Heck, I'd accept an I don't know, you want me to find out long before I would accept some off the cuff, BS answer the guy made up.

But you are right, the majority of folks don't have the skills to tell when someone is making this stuff up.

They just care about the lowest price.

Funny though, if they can't tell when the guy is BS'ing about the product, how are they going to find the BS in the deal?


"Seems like our society is more interested in turning each successive generation into cookie-cutter wankers than anything else." -- Jato 8/24/2004