I don't know why your so concerned with everybody else's cars. Let them do as they please, to each his own. Most of the contours that you see that are very low have ground controls and can be adjusted. Usually they just put them that low for a picture. As far as the audio system, what constitutes too loud? I love my 300.00 circuit city system and don't know what I would do with out it. It consists of an eclipse HU, mb quart components in the rear doors, vifa/mb quarts in the front doors, 2 PPI A300 amps, audiocontrol 3.1 line driver/EQ, and 2 JL audio 10w3's in Jl's HO ported box. I didn't put this together because i want a hearing aid in twenty years, I did it because I enjoy the musical reproduction that it's capable of and makes my drive more enjoyable. Yes it's tuned for SQ but I'll make sure to swing down your street and show you what 2 10's can sound like. Oh and for the record, i have magnaflow mufflers with 4 in. tips

Like I said in my original post the reason why I am so concerned is because I have to put up with those cars everyday. I have a right to not to hear your system from a block away. You definalty spent alot on your system. Congralations. You wasted alot of money. All those components for about 100 cubic feet. If I see you coming down the street I be sure to leave a few 10 penny nails in the street for ya. And about lowered cars, I have been behind two cars in the last month that had to slow down to about 20 to go over dips in the road. That is just stupid.