So I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem? Last weekend I finally got my 3L Hybrid dropped into my 95 SE. Got everything hooked up and at this point, I'm so excited, words can't explain. I hit the key and she cranks, start!! She'll crank for a couple seconds and then locks up as if someone jammed something in the chains or something. It's a solid stop. In talking with one of the guys at work, he suggested that it's getting too much gas. It think it's possible since I went from stock 17's to 24's. It cranks and sputters like she wants to start but she doesn't quite catch. Also, maybe caused by the higher compression, but my starter sounds like it's got a lot less a$$ when she's cranking. I had 178k miles on the 2.5 when I pulled it out. Maybe the starter's weak??

I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem with their 3L Hybrid not wanting to start or if anyone has any suggestions I might be able to go on.

I'll put holes in him!!