i guess i didn't word that quite right.... i meant that you paid more for a higher up model....

ya know what, i'm just happy to own a contour. i don't care even if maybe a few SVT owners would like to brag and feel special, they paid the extra $$$ for the BETTER PERFORMANCE AND name anyway.

i feel i have no room to feel special, i have like #24,564,789.5 of 500,000,000 1996 GL Sport.... even though it's got the name, it's no better than a non sport, but i can still say to non sports: "I have a Sport, and you don't "

Goin' Round Traffic Circles @ 50Km/h!!! \m/ -- 1998 E0 SVT #2119 of 6535 \m/ -- 2003 Sentra SE-R Spec V