I'm really getting tired of seeing "SVT is overrated, buy an SE and mod it" vs "SE is a stupid grocery getter, SVT is way better".

If you're an SE owner who thinks your car is just as good/better than an SVT, then FINE, good for you. Enjoy your car and the CEG.

If you own an SVT and think your contour is just the coolest thing, great, enjoy your car and the CEG.

As for myself, I wasnt interested in the SE because it was just too plain looking and quiet. Just my preference. There are people who put a pre-98 trunk on their SVT, because they like the looks. Since I think that looks ugly, should I start a thread about that too?

The SVT is at the top of the Contour food chain, but the SE isn't that far behind. There are good reasons for owning and buying both cars. Why don't we just leave it at that?