if you are going to spend 240 bucks on a radar detector, you might as well by a V1, or a valentine 1 as more people know it. it is the best radar detector you can buy. . . it has won radar shootouts every year the past couple of years. let me say, if you buy it, you will never be dissappointed. it is the baddest detector you can buy. the best, hands down. it may cost a little more than others, but you will NEVER regret it. i would bet you that. try it, you'll see. i am saving up for my own. we bought my dad one, i want to steal it, but he watches it like a hawk, so i will have to buy my own. it is the only detector i will ever buy. . . .EVER. it has proven itself to us, and we have owned many other detectors. it is the only detector we will ever buy untill something proves itself better, which wont happen for a while. . . .

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!