say what you want but if any of you have driven in the SE Michigan area you would understand that local and state police here are NOTORIOUS for bringin the pain to young, male drivers with nice cars. it's damn near an epidemic around these parts so I can see exactly where kontofoshow is coming from. they'll pull you over for anything and sometimes for nothing at all.

and don't even get me started on the tint law which is basically set in place only because it's a jackpot for the state. considering I see cops everyday who change multiple lanes at a time without even thinking about using a turn signal I will definitely say there's a double standard set and it's BULLSH*T!!!

I obey every single traffic law I can and use turn signals even when I'm in my apartment complex because I don't want to give our cops a reason to pull me over. And I had to learn the hard way too. I've been f*cked with by the cops in ways many of you could never dream of and I'm not being overzealous either. all of you uptight pilgrims with stock contours and svt's who've never even came close to getting a ticket wouldn't understand