Originally posted by {Kontofosho}:
It was pretty obvious the cop was picking on me because i was a kid in a decked out car.

This statement always gets me. People with nice or "decked out" cars always say that the cops pulled them over for something simply because of that. Why do you buy/mod a car to make it look really nice? So people will NOTICE it when you drive by. Hello, cops are PEOPLE therefore logic would say "hey you've got a decked out car that really stands out, not just to regular people but to cops as well because they notice your decked out car more than the average undecked out car on the road. Therefore, when you do something stupid like not use your turn signal it gets noticed more by cops because they were looking at your car since it sticks out in a crowd."

I guarantee that you could take the same driver in a "decked out" noticeable car vs that same person driving a plain old stock ride and the decked out car will get pulled over more just because of what I said above. Its not because the cop is "jealous" that's just a lame excuse for getting caught breaking the law.

You've got 3 options: 1) Obey the law or just don't get caught 2) Refer to 1 and go buy a plain old car so you won't get caught as often or 3) When you do get caught take it with a grain of salt, belly up and pay your friggin ticket without whining.

Formerly known as Sneaku I MISS MY BABY!!! '00 Blk CSVT #1087/2150 built 12/23/99