Originally posted by zgendron:
Originally posted by {Kontofosho}:
when i was first pulled over he said he was pulling me over for my tinted windows, since i am uncommonly sensitive to light i have to have them, and have a note from an optomologist that allows me to.

And this works in Michigan? Man, what ever happened to sunglasses? This would never fly in MA, I don't think.

Mass laws on tint are pretty strict in order to protect the officers.

The more you explain it Konto, the worse it gets man. Next you'll tell us that your lame a$$ doctor gave you a note for school and/or work telling them they had to tint the windows in their buildings.

You had me going for awhile, I was almost thinking the cop might have been a jerk and that you weren't totally at fault. I even looked to double check what you'd said about being sensitive to the light. That's where your story appears to fall apart (unless there is another twist you're holding back so people can't respond to the full facts - In which case you should just quit). If you had a skin sensitivity that would be one thing, but eye sensitivity is dealt with through sun glasses (specialized ones if necessary - do you have any?).

One could make a case that the officer should or shouldn't have given you a ticket for the turn signal violation if we had a bit more info on the exact layout, but that's not why you got the ticket, is it. You lead us to believe it is and then when no one says "Oh poor, poor Konto the world is so cruel to you" , then and only then, you tell us the real reason you got the ticket.

You got your ticket because the cop wasn't as dumb as you figured he'd be. You spit in someones face and get upset when they don't smile and say thank you.
You got your ticket because the cop didn't beleive you, just like others here. Maybe, he and we are wrong but the way you've presented everything and held things back doesn't lend itself to that interpretation. Cops are like most everyone else in this world, if you piss them off they'll try to find a way to pay you back. That's life. Get on with it.

I too am "uncommonly sensitive to light". I've had two corena transplants and now wear hard contact lenses which also increase ones sensitivity to bright light. Regarding the tinted windows, unless you've left even more out, you don't "have to have them", you just want them. Dark tinted windows will make things worse in low light conditions and possibly dangerous, not better. No self-respecting "optomologist" at least no self-respecting ophthalmologist would claim otherwise. How to they expect you to get from their office to your car and from there to everywhere else. You're gonna need sunglasses buddy not dark tinted windows in your car.

If you've left something else important out then perhaps my comments about your ophthalmologist are out of line but then certainly not about how you've held back facts to suit ulterior motives.

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