Originally posted by 00SVT:
The cop may have been eyeing you 'cause you were a kid in a "decked out" car, but he didn't ticket you because of it. He gave you a ticket because you failed to signal.

I love how people come in here and scream and cry about how they get profiled and picked on and given bogus tickets because they're young and "the cops are just jealous they have a nice car"... Take some friggin' responsibility for once, people. A half-second flick of the wrist could've avoided the whole incident.

I hear ya man. I hate it when ppl don't signal their intentions. It's just plain RUDE. And your crappy "the single me out cause I'm a kid in a decked out car" don't play here pal. That's just trying to make an excuse for breaking the law. Next time, trying saying "I'm sorry, I am about to shoot you, but it's not my fault, YOU singled out MY car cause I am a kid in a decked out car". BORING, OLD, and IRRESPONSIBLE.
I actually have a sticker on my car that says VISULIZE USING YOUR TURN SIGNAL.

My advice, take it like a man and quit whining. Next time, USE THE DAMN SIGNAL. Even if you turn it on JUST as you pull out, USE IT. No excuse for not doing it.

2004 Ford Freestar V6 Boogity Boogity Boogity, Let's go racin Boys!