Originally posted by LoCoZ2:
Originally posted by AlbanianSteve:
mine has some weird feature that is supposed to set it off when an emergency vehicle-like an ambulance or fire truck- goes by. It also said in the manual that it even picks up signals from nearby trains, but i sat right in front of one for like 5 minutes and nothing. The emergnecy thing has never gone off either. Has anybody here had any experiences with this?

My emergency vehicle feature works good. BTW I have the Cobra.

it depends on where you're at, only certain places actually use the SWS radar. you can find out about SWS at: http://www.safetyradar.com/

here are the transmitters:

Goin' Round Traffic Circles @ 50Km/h!!! \m/ -- 1998 E0 SVT #2119 of 6535 \m/ -- 2003 Sentra SE-R Spec V