Originally posted by chrisilversvt:
oooooh nooooo planning another meet...just a suggestion but the music city mustang club show is at the end of september(20th,i think,i'll check on it)maybe?????????

Well, we are planning on making NOPI this year, so that one might be out. If NOPI doesn't happen for us, we will have to see.

Originally posted by chrisilversvt:

and phil the mustangs of memphis show is the first saturday in october if you guys still wanna come up there,i'll be showing in memphis...maybe nashville too...

Dude! That is my birthday! That would be very cool!

I know that Hector and Heather mentioned something about coming down this way sometime in Oct, maybe we could possible work everthing around that. That would give plenty of time for everyone to work out there busy schedules and make room for a day or two of fun.

Like I had said before though, alot of us making any of this will depend on what goes down with my job. I should find out something in the next week or two. Actually sometime between the first of Sept and somewhere around the 10th. Depending on how things work out and how fast they go down will play a large roll in if we can go anywhere or not.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime