I'm Back...

i am changing the price of the non-SVT kit to $25 shipped.

NOS...I have a piece laying around that i can sell you for the rear, hows $20 shipped sound?

Kremit..i have no clue if what i sell as an SVT kit will fit. if the openings are bigger than the stock openings (which i assume they are) then, no, it wont work. i would have to get measurements of the openings in order to figure out the size needed, etc.

Dub...i will sell you the one piece you want for $30 shipped.

the material hasnt arrived yet, but should be here by this afternoon.
i will start taking payments once i have the material in hand and cut up, so it is looking like that will be around wednesday.

Kim and SVTmike..thanks for posting pics.

so far...

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?