Damn, what a post this is, how did I of all people miss this After reading all of this I feel I had to chime in and here it goes. First off, I too have the MM quad projectors w/ HIDs and a couple things are true:

1. the fit isn't perfect, the "repops" just don't fit perfectly. I've even seen another SE MI CEG-er with the "repops" and they don't fit his car right either and he doesn't even have projectors, so thats that.

2. I did get "some" moisture in mine, but only in the spring monthes when it was cool outside and going through the car wash, but it DID go away though. Now when I say "some" I mean SOME, not the shower head effect I saw in those previous pics

3. I did/do have a little bit of dust in mine, as well as some water spots but I learned to live with it because theres no way those lights were going to be cut open, I remember my Chris Hightower lights getting moisture as well and its gotta be when you open them up. I don't think the lenses had to come off when Milan did the projectors, but theres alot of cutting to get those projectors to fit, thats for sure

Milan, if you read this, please take his lights back and make this right. Take the parts out his lights, make new ones, check and re-check them and just make this right, whatever it takes! The thing that this is going to do is make the next guy leary to buy any thing from a CEG-er and how else do we get most of our parts anyways, well for the most part anyways Milan I met you and I for one will be very disappointed if you don't take care of this guy, and no, he didn't contact me in anyway, I just read EVERY one these posts and I can't believe it, well I believe it, but you gotta make this right...NO MATTER WHAT! Come on Milan, don't let me or the rest of us down on this!!!

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