Hello everyone.....

I would just like to say a couple of things....

I too have quad beam projectors, and the job isnt perfect, but i dont expect it to be.....

When it comes down to it, i think that pete should get his refund, because milan was selling a product that he created, so he should stand by that product when it doens work!!! The fact that he is leaving you high and dry in the situation amazes me, with the amount of money that you have tied up in the situation.

I know how shady the situation is, because Importkllr had an even harder time getting his lights the first time.... And let me tell you, those lights were far from being perfect. The whole inner chrome area was supposed to be painted, because of how long they took. When you see the lights, it looks like minimal effort was used to make ensure minimal overspray, and the sealing work is messy as hell.

Dont get me wrong, the lights looks sweet, but if you took them up next to the set that milan made for himself, they just dont compare. That is bad business. I think that all of the products that he did should have been of the same or even better quality that his own, or he shouldnt have been selling these for 1200 dollars a set.

Also, If one wanted to fix these problems, the fact that they have to take the lights out, reswitch the wiring, send the to milan, wait for 3 weeks for him to find the time to look at them, and get them back in a worse condition is just foul....

This is just my 2 cents but these lights could have had a lot better craftsmanship than they did. And i know that Milan had a lot going on while these were being made, but cmon, that is no excuse when he was the one who decided to make them available. I ultimately think that he didnt know what he was getting himself into.....

98 SVT #4636/6535 T-Red/midblu http://www.pbase.com/markussigpi/galleries FOR SALE: My Car.....