Originally posted by CLASSVT:
Originally posted by LUK A LYK:
isn't that psycho crap the biggest turn off. my ex was beautiful but shes was a friggin nutcase and to this day when i see her shes not attractive to me in the slightest bit... her inner ugliness over powers the outer beauty

bingo! I have a hard time being attracted to her. Plus I think she has halatosis.

In actuality she isn't that crazy...she's just f**ked up in the head. Her self-image is crap, she has horrible jealousy for all of my girl-friends, she thinks I'm sleeping with everybody, she is horribly insecure, and she overall just has no fire. I need someone with some f'in spunk. You know someone to match my sarcastic smart-ass comments with original ones of their own. Someone to let me have it when I deserve it. Someone with some motivation, some ambition. Someone to respect for cripes sakes. I have no respect for her. And that is why she sucks.

Uh oh, Sounds like my ex.. anyways, I see a post jack about to happen here. Lets keep this one for the people who are proud of the women they are with. MODEST leg humpers keep the compliments coming (it builds ego's). As for you sick other leg humpers, quit IM'ing me asking for bikini pics of my fiancee She's mine, ALL MINE!!

2000 SVT Black/Tan #1633/2150 (a few mods) Alpine: CDA-9835, MRV-F540, MRD-M550 PG: TANTRUM-X 6.5 COMP all around. Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. CEL currently: Off