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In the morning my wife likes to cuddle, and this morning, as I was lying in bed, wide awake, I was thinking, what if we could use Paul's idea to supplement a conventional turbocharger? Use it to "preload" the system until full boost is being provided by the regular turbo? Use a stored electrical charge to run the compressor, and when it is no longer needed, it shuts off, and recharges. It could be recharged by alternator, when the car breaks (like hybrids), or someother use of existing kinetic energy, or a combination of all of those.
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I really need to get some professional help

Contour--It will make a master mechanic out of you! 95 LX MTX Bolt-ons 95 Neon SOHC ATX 77 Dodge Powerwagon-more displacement than my Neon, Contour, and wife's Saturn---combined!