Originally posted by FLCEGkid:
Seems how the notherners have takn over the SE forum i thought i would throw up a southern meet idea.

What? Since we are all SE members, where does this come from? No one told you guys that you could not come to any meets that were planned. I remember us begging people to come to the last HSV/NSV meet and nothing! My wife and I worked our @ss's off booking rooms for everyone, from Chitown, just so they could come. I was begging people to come so that it would make it easier on everyone. Not just them, I wanted everyone that could make it, to come.

Did anyone from FL show? Hell no! So why all the sudden the attitude that ChiTown has taken over our forum? Me and my wife are going to bust our ass to make it to the Nationals. Has anyone from FL said anything about that? Nope! So what they hell should we do? Seperate from each other and create two different divisions, just because some yankees want to come and play with us? I call a fat BS on that one!

Originally posted by FLCEGkid:
I just wanna have another meet and was seeing if anyone else does.

We are talking about that right now for the 4th! We are meeting on the 4th and 5th in HSV. What is planned after that, well that is yet to be determended, but I (or anyone else) will be damned that noone is not invited. Everyone is invited and if you guys need a room, just let me know and I will be glad to hook you up with one in HSV at a good rate. Not a problem at all!!!

My point! I have respect for yoy FLCEGKID, I really do. But if you want to have a FL Meet then fine, but don't bash everyone else in the SE because we hang with others. As far as that goes, if it comes to hanging with Hector, Steve, and yes even Joe, you guys can kiss my @ss! I, and everyone else in the SE, will hang with and talk to who we want. Don't Like it, then call a 900 number!

If you don't mind, then we are cool and all is well. I don't want anything bad to come from this. Just have to vent because the point of view really pisses me off!!!!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime