This has become a huge market recently. Will you see a gain? depends on the shade of green your ground is already. And yes, buying the parts from us ='s about $27.00 for the kit, add some solder and crimp tools and for $40 you can do it yourself.

On a side note, if you do have a larger then normal, SPL generating audio system and have never upgraded your grounds you should add atleast one. Running 4ga to your amp and just using the factory 8ga wire is like shooting yourself in the foot. Electricity starts at the ground. This can solve lights dimming, improve frequency response and allow your amps to run cooler.

As for adding HP, a 30 minute cool down on the dyno while installing the "Hyper" Ground Kit should add a few ponies by itself.......

Oh and BTW we have more colors and strands...naa naa na naaaa na

Last edited by KnuKonceptz; 06/17/03 03:37 AM.

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