Some more updates:
The Great One - $150
Swazo - Paid: PLAIN
NorMich99SE - ???
Hydro - $150
Zooyork03 - $150
Qwk98svt - Paid: PLAIN (+ $25 to cover s/h)
ssmumich00 - Paid: PLAIN
MLK - Paid: BLUE
skunk - $150
neco01blkcat - $150
rikenbomb - $150
KarlosSVT - $150
chknhwk - $150

Remember, all payments are due by 28 July!

My email is Feel free to drop me a line with questions/concerns.

I need input on how everyone wants to work shipping! We're discussing having everything sent to you COD once the order is filled and all covers have been fabricated.

Riken, once all payments are in I was informed that it will be ~ two weeks for the order to be completed.

Now owner of 0 SVT's. my web page