750 is steep....

i paid around the same for 2" true duals.... another park muffler raping. i sure hope you watched them work on your car....

-Rant hat on-

ive had a few surprises from them... they will be your best friend till you prove they are incompetant..

first time.. they left one tip out way furher then the other, plus with the pipes hitting agaisnt the heat shields, gas tank and exhaust cutouts... tried to fix it buy cutting part of my tow hooks off with a torch (piss poor job i may add - you guys should see it some time...) never did get rid of all the rattles until me and a friends bent sh!t around as much as we could and opened up the cutouts more.

second time... not too bad.. only 6 hours to do 2 hours work and $600 what a joke. a good exhaust shop will use a saw to cuts your piping off. park will just torch it leaving nasty crooked cuts, then throw piping over top of it leaving big edges causing disruptions in the flow.

third time (true dual gutted cat setup)... really sh!tty bends, pipes do not match, tips uneven (again), more rasp then a broken down cummins, typical Park special rattle package (costs extra for this Park signature sound), and 2 demolished o2 sensors.

... getting your exhaust done by park muffler (or affiliates) PRICELESS..

priceless as you will have to go to other places to have them fix up the work leaving you with no money.. Park is famous by other exhaust shops as "cheap" and "you get what you pay for". btw the owner owns alot of shops here.. all with highschool mechanic wannabe's paid under average wages.. then again how much would you pay a mechanic who is not ase certified, or who has never taken a course...

now i know every shop will have its screw up but park did this to me. scraped up my friends talon right after it got painted viper blue ("it must have been there before" - well I dont know how we could have scaped up the bumper driving it out of the paint shop to Park Muffler...), same thing that happened to me happened to a friend of my friend (who has that talon).

-Rant hat off-

i wouldnt be nearly as p!ssed if they stood behind their work and fixed it for me right. even if it took 3 tries (which it ussually did).

i kick myself at least once a week for going back there after they facked up the first time... i am a very forgiving person. but park pushed me over the edge 1 time too many. i think if i walked back in there they would just call the police. now i outright tell them what they do wrong and how incompetant they are. plus i will never let them work on my car again. they have me so uptight about people working on my car that i have to watch them work on it.. Park was pretty close to costing me an engine. if i wasnt on the ball in making sure the car was running ok (and refused to drive it till it was) I would have been out alot, and my lawyer would make sure park is out about the same + lawyer fees.

2005 Focus ST