Originally posted by snowb159:
This has been said before, but the easiest way is to let it sit in the sun for awhile, pull out at an angle and go slow, everything came off clean, hardly any residue left.

My car is black so it absorbs the heat...so you think leaving int he sun it would work right...wrong....

Depending on weather, tempature and other things, the foamy tape will set diffrently....Well on my car it split right in half, so half the tape was still stuck to the car. So i took fishing line and got the majority off then uised the eraser to get the left overs.

Either way you go its not a phyiscally easy task....Have some fishingline, eraser, a little soapy water and a lot of time and friends to help.


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles