I think you only need a 15mm socket and a ratchet/braker bar. Could of hit a walmart and like a 10mm to open the bleeder, plus someone to pump.

That really sucks that they did that. Go to another place and ask them, I'm sure they will love to bag the comp.

Also call sears, and express how unhappy you are. Call there headquarters, and explain how your 100% they ripped you off, also you feel you can't trust there service shop anywere in the US because of this, and you also feel the need to warn others.

Like sending an email like this can get you this....

My email...

Ok, let me run you threw this from the start.

I placed an order threw your site for K3332130 order number 2048905. Right after I figured out I ordered the wrong part I used your online customer service (this was 30seconds after the order) I got some story about how you
guys can't cancel an order (yeah ok) and I was pretty much "S.O.L" and will be hit with a 20% restock and so on and so on...

So I figured well my mistake lets reorder the correct part. Order number 2048944 (should of used another site) which was K3332132 part number.. This
is what happen after...

First I get an email about order 2048905 being declined. Then I get an email that order 2048944 is being shipped.

At first I thought, well maybe who ever I talked to found a way to fix the first order and I was all set... Nope, I got order 2048944 which was for K3332132 but got K3332130... so yes you guys shipped the wrong part, and I
say you did this thinking I put a stop on payment.

Other problems... first your phone number states to contact website for RMA number, and to send email. I send you email and you now tell me to call the

So with you now lying that I ordered 2 incorrect part number (though I have all paper work here and it states otherwise) no way to get an RMA number and a F'n restock fee of 20% plus me shipping the damn thing out, I regret the fact I ever tried a new site, and that this site was yours.

There email

A return shipping label will be sent to you to return the wrong filter shipped. If you reorder the filter we will give you free shipping on the reorder. Please call Eric at 609-890-7927 to talk further about this order. Thanks

JD a.k.a Fingers "Don't Panic" '98 Contour GL 2.0L VCT ATX 88k '98 Contour LX 2.5L MTX 120k Street racing can kill just less of a chance with a 2.0