So, 3 years after this SNAFU...I learn from the place that rotated my tires today that the right brake caliper spring is missing. Somehow, by some unbelievable chance, the missing spring has gone unnoticed by everyone who has worked on my car (including myself) in the past 3 years.

So, apparently, Sears forgot to put it back on when I had my brakes worked on 3 years ago. Yippee for me! However, this enlightening news would explain the slight, increasing brake vibration I've noticed since having that work done.

The scary lucky part is that I noticed the technician's note about the missing spring on their copy, yet they failed to mention it to me until I brought up what I saw written down. Thank god I caught this before it got any worse.

Obviously, I have to replace the spring and the pads, which are no brainers to figure out and, hopefully, fairly easy to replace. My question, though, is about the rotors. I'm assuming it's absolutely necessary for them to be either turned or replaced? Should I just replace them and call it a day or is that overkill?

Chris G. ~ 98 Mystique LS ATX