Ok, *takes a deep breath and cracks the fingers in preparation*

I get there (for the record it's Sears), explain to the service manager the vibration, rust, etc. I politely inquire if it's possible that the rotors were not replaced and just turned (just so that he knows Im wondering, for the sake of the possibility that they weren't replaced).

The car is checked. The first thing the manager says to me is "Hey I noticed your car is souped up. You do any racing with it?" Well I AutoX and drive the car hard (neither since the original brake job though) but Im not about to tell him that (especially since he'd probably use it as an excuse to not fix the car.....which he does). He tells me the new rotors have warped and is like "probably caused by abnormal/hard braking...so you don't drive it fast or race with all that stuff you put on?" "No! I drive it NORMAL!" "Ok, because our warranty doesn't cover hard braking, blah blah, yada yada." So I ask about why it warped so quickly (1200 miles!) and why the rust buildup and he throws a load of BS my way "it can all happen during abnormal braking, wet conditions, etc." Ok, just fix the damn car. So the rotors get turned.

After an hour more than they told me it'd take, I get my keys and ask another service manager why the brakes warped (just to see what crap he'd throw at me). First he tries to give me a lesson on front disc brakes 101. So I ask "why 1200 miles, that seems pretty early, im familiar with them warping at 30-40k?" He starts telling me that its because companies are experimenting with new organic and ceramic brake pads, blah blah, stfu. I leave. I'm betting they'll warp again soon. Maybe I should start a pool?

Now b/c of this $hit i have to decide between driving around 200-300 miles today to let the pads bed in again, or missing an AutoX tomorrow.

So, Im very curious to hear some input about the ordeal. Warped rotors around 6 weeks/1200 miles or not replaced from the get go?

Chris G. ~ 98 Mystique LS ATX