Originally posted by LoCoZ2.0:
Originally posted by FocusTour:
Originally posted by LoCoZ2.0:
Originally posted by ZetecRacing:
Originally posted by LoCoZ2.0:
Originally posted by bk4293:

Looks great Mikey!!!!
79 days seem like such a short time away! I better start waxing the Tour!

There is not enough wax in the world to make your car look as nice as mine! J/K

yea I don't know anyone that has that nice chips on red color

YEah I don't anyone with nice speedholes in the bumber, custom dents in the hood, lightweight silver trunklid, and year old dirt and dust because you don't wash your car!

Stuff like this is way off topic and wastes space. If you guys want to flame each other send PM's, emails, or use a phone. Whay is so fun about trashing someone's car? Isn't this supposed to be a club for enthusiasts?

Why not create a "flame away" forum then?

Yeah and "correcting" the flame participants wastes space too.

So does you replying back to him whats your point

Team Evo Staz: You know why they call it Skunkworks? Everyone: Why? Staz: Because everything that comes out of it stinks!!! Steeda-I hate you stazi