Well, I guess I am not out of the woods with this tranny issue yet. It's all fixed right?

Well it was working fine since I have been driving it, (last Thursday evening.) Well, yesterday after work, I hoped into my Tour and put it in reverse and it had a heck of a hard time going in reverse. The tach went up to 2000 rpm's before it would go into reverse. Then it was slow, but I was able to go into reverse.

Then this morning while backing out of the driveway it was fine. I get to work, and I pulled into a parking space and didn't like how I parked, so I put it into reverse to back up and pull back into the parking space, and same thing.

It went up to 2000 rpm's before it would go into reverse. It drives normal other then reverse. Does anyone know what this issue points towards? Are they going to have to take the tranny apart again? Or is this something as simple as low tranny fluid or something? Any help would be great! Thanks!

1995 Contour LX 238,000 miles