Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by corrupted_by_CEG:
Originally posted by LoCoZ2.0:
Originally posted by sosaudio1:
Originally posted by LoCoZ2.0:
Originally posted by sosaudio1:

We are still up in the air about the Nat meet...well I thought everything was set....but....I still dont have a job...sooooo we are having to wait on the tax refund to come....and hopefully a job soon too that will be easy to work with on the days off...


I hope you can make it Rich!


Maybe without Laura though....sigh....



don't you wish you had a couple of kiddies around the house right now? if you did have a couple of kids like me and Phil, you would be getting a nice check during the summer from the dear old President (child tax credit thing). woooohoooo!!!!! it pays to have kids!!!

Anyway, I hope Laura can come though. my girls are going to miss 3 days of school so we can go. call me a bad mommy but they are really looking forward to it.

Yeah, but how exspensive are kids anyway, Kim? Somehow, I don't think Bubba Bush's tax credit makes it even out every year.

not as bad as every one makes it out to be. give em a box and they will play with it. we don't have to pay in on taxes we get everything back plus alot more. as far as the christmas thing goes that is what the bonus check is for so actually it does even out pretty good for us.

94 Honda Passport 4X4 yeah it's a Honda, what about it...