If the rotors are 13s and you want to fit the Wilwoods to it I can make it happen for you.

The difference will be the width of the rotor. I'm guessing maybe 1 or 1.1 width. This means we can only select from the calipers fitting this width. No big deal as there are a couple. Then you get the brackets, proper spacers, hoses, adapters, pads and hardware to pull it all together.

I'm hoping the parts list will be on the web site soon, (so we can both look now...)and you can price it out as the same given the caliper cost does not vary by width. BUT, beware that not all the calipers listed there are applicable to the 1 or 1.1 rotor. Here we'll need to investigate.

I might also mention that the increase in width of the rotor will negate the clearance to the spokes of the wheel. How much? Hard to say, but you can get the engineering numbers off the Wilwood site of the caliper width relative to the outer side of the rotor. This is the space from rotor 'face' to back of wheel.

Less Bling, more Zing Todd/TCE www.tceperformanceproducts.com