Thanks for the info, really appreciate it. Anyway, took the car to dealer and they told me they have put in a dye to detect a leak. they will check next time I take her for a oil change. they also added some coolant, so its cool now but I still hear the clicking sound which I was told by a friend - could the gear of the system. SHOULD I TAKE HER BACK TO THEM?

Have paid for coolant and oil change $130 including taxes, now if I take her back, they will charge the deductible $100.

should I wait or complain?

Thanks for all the help.
u mean they added some refrigerant ( R134a ) or they added some coolant (antifreeze - ethyline glycol) ?

the clickisg sound ofd the compressor coming on and off with a low charge in the system ( 1 12 oz can or less ) as i hear the r134a capacity is 28 oz.

you could buy the $25 kit at walmart to add more r134a .. but u may have a leak ( the UV dye ) needs to be added and visually checked over ..
they also use a pressure test (air ) - this im familiar with at pepboys ...
the test at pepboys for ac diagnostic which may have 20 items they test is about $26 bucks !

there are a lot of opctions .. and it seems the ford dealer is gonna keep asking u to bend over so they can insert the vaseline while they bang u for that $100 deductable as many times as they can get it ? u always hear ' we have to make money somehow' and a 'business doesnt stay in business by giving away free service or goods' - its true .. maybe one time to keep you coming back but they wont continue spending time on you without something in return ...

its just a car to get from pt a to b usually it does it nicely --AIM: chronon1 95 Tour SE, 2.5 lliter 24V DOHC V6, 5 speed manual