my cable internet has been down at my place for the last week. I failed 3 bumpers due to how thin they were, undercoated the other 3 now need to trim and pick up the other 3 new bumpers. I understand your frustration, realize I am not sitting on your money anymore. it has been spent to pick up the bumpers. therefore you dont need to worry about me running away with your money, and belive me I am not going to run away with a butt load of bumpers. therefore you have nothing to worry about. I have been really slow and I appoligize for that. I have realized one thing after doing this GB again, and that is there will be no more. I dont need the added pressure or headache added to my already heavy pressure life. you all will get your bumpers for thoughs of you who live with your parents or had your parents buy this for you. please tell them not to worry. I didnt make a single penny on this due to the amount of people who said they would join and didnt. that alone is an added headache. I will keep you posted every week or more and will let you know when the first 3 will be shipping out. if things go to plan I will be packaging the first 3 on sunday.
