I'm torn.

Here's my plans, as long as they are cool with the man, Elky.

plan 1. Leave home friday at around 12 - 1pm to arive at Elky's between 2 and 3 in order to arrive ahead of the friday afternoon rush. I know Elky was talking about cleaning his intake manifolds friday. Maybe this would be a good chance for me to whitness this to gain some knowledge. Then there was talk from Ed about going out and having a few afterwards. Sounds interesting.

plan 2 stay home friday to clean the car and do other stuff and leave aound 8 or 9 satruday monring to arrive at Elky's at 10 or 11.

Help sway my opinion one way or another.

I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats the best they're going to feel all day - former President Lyndon B. Johnson