Originally posted by bk4293:
Originally posted by robzride:
hey joe what about them videos. i sure would love to see them again.

I guess he's waiting for the ten year anniversery so we all have something to reminise about in the future

I was nagging him about it the other night and he just will not get off his tail and do it. He actually said that he was too lazy!! Would someone go to Joe's house, that lives close by, and smack him in the head a few times??!!

Come on Joe! All you have to do is go downstairs, grab the VCR, hook it up to your puter, transfer the video, do some mild editing, and there you go... Everybodys happy happy!! Hell I am at my parents and even though they are on dial up I am still willing to download large chunks and edit it here!!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime