Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:

Hey gang, I've got a question. When a chick sleeps around, she's called a whore, but when a guy does it, he's a player, right? So, when Steve, Joe, Hector, et al, are post whores, what would Kim and Heather be? I don't want to call them whores...

Ok! So if it is ok to call the CEG Ladies "post whores'", wouldn't that make Steve, Joe & Hector post players? No... wait... I've got it... Offical CEG Players!!

Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:

Tim (ATL-SVT) is selling his car. That makes me very very very very sad. Someone please buy his car that lives nearby *cough*Heather*cough*cough*Kim&Phil*cough and take good care of it please.

No freaking way!! All the work he just put into it? What the hell happened? Man I would if I could, but I can't so I want.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime