I have a '96 V6 ATX, original trans, 87,000 miles, fluid changed around 50 or 60k. The only time I get a BANG 1-2 shift is when I run it to high revs in first gear and then circumstances dictate I back off the throttle and it does a part-throttle or no-throttle shift from high revs...POW, rock-hard. Doesn't happen at lower revs, doesn't happen if I keep my foot floored on the gas. Would this sensor fix this?

Pacific Green '96 Contour LX V6 â??98 GTP, light mods, 14.66/94 Calypso Green '92 Mustang LX coupe, 13.56/101 Crown Autocross Club 1999 Street Tire Champion, 2000/2001/2002 Street Modified Champion KCR SCCA 2002 Solo II Street Modified Champion