IMPRTKILLR, your car looks BADASS MAN!!!! really likin it. I also have a question about some rims you guys, cause i am very picky on a set that i would absolutely KILL to have. There are some rims from Racing Hart called Z5000's, I love them because they have the sunken in look to them rather than sticking out, they gradually go in as it goes to the center, and I also seen them on wheel max but, i don't think they come in our bolt pattern. They are a 5 spoke rim, i love 5 spoke rims, but the closest design that i could find to it was the rims from Konig (the Verdicts, which are a 6 spoke rim, which still look nice), and the crazy thing is about these rims are THERE'S SOOOOOO MANY KNOCKOFF'S OUT THERE, BUT THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME BOLT PATTERN STILL!!! WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT ALL ABOUT?? WELL, IF ANYONE HAS SEEN SOME NICE 18" 5 SPOKE WHEELS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, i had RS5's and those were ok, i sold them but i want a diff look with the rims now, i know it's not like we have a huge selection from them

I'M RICK JAMES BITC#!!!!!!!!!!!!