I can imagine the fun a turbo would give. I consider myself to have a good top end and my car will go from 4k to 7k rpms in literally a blink of an eye in first with traction. I've hit the rev limiter a few times because of this. I can't imagine having the top end power that I have from 3k rpms on.

Sometimes I get on it on freeway onramps (who am I kidding, all the time). I'll go around the corner and leave it in second. Then I'll slowly accelerate untill 4k and nail it. Next thing you know your doing 75mph and your not even half way through the onramp. Oh yeah, putting it in third doing 60mph and flooring it will put you in your seat. If you can spare the cash for the turbo, get it now. Unfortunately, I can't so I went the cheap route.

Sorry for the long rant, but I would like to see more turbo contours for me to drool over.

95 SE Modded - Gone 98 E0 Black SVT - Gone 98 se sport - Broken 00 T-Red SVT - Nice