Ok, sorry guys and gals about taking so long to get back to you. I don't have any pics of one because nothing has been made yet. If you take a look below, it will be similar to the Cougar Eliminator.

I know that $200 is a lot for that little thing, but that is going with the assumption that we get 15 people. I am sure that if we get more, the price will be lower.

I wanted to see what kind of interest people actually have in this thing here, before I went over to any of the Coug forums and fordmondeo.org to let them know.

As it turns out, this is the same company that Brent Hattan, who worked at APC, tried to get a carbon fibre hood by them before he died.

I will present this to the Coug forum for them to chew on, but if someone that is there a bit more than me can mention it, that would be good to. It might be better coming from someone that is there all the time.

Hellahydro, I'll get in touch with you later this week. TIA for your help.


Former - 98 CSVT E0 T-Red 4/4/97 #173 of 6535 Dear Santa