Originally posted by Cook98SVTC:
You can count me in as long as it's custom and it will be tuned to these parameters......
*Vehicle production date
*Air filter or intake type/assembly
*Serial number from your stock MAF electronics module
*List of engine power modifications (e.g., chips, pulleys, headers, etc.)

Some of you folks just don't understand! (I just picked this post as a good example)

Each Meter is flow bench calibrated after assembly. There is no other way to get a reliable meter otherwise. So yes, of course, the MAF is calibrated!

However there is NO such thing as calibrating it for mods! Just for function.

The meter is put in a flow bench and "hand" calibrated so to speak actual flow vs rated bench flow using a preset "base table".

The only factors that affect this calibration are induction type (NA or FI), filter type (airbox or conical), and injector size in correlation to stock injectors. (I.E. How it "fools" the PCM & allows injector swapping)
The engine size (potential CFM draw) is used to base the window of MAF operation.

Each MAF comes with a flow data sheet that charts actual flow vs bench rated flow and at what specific voltage each occurs.

The smallest "base table" Pro-M offers is for 19lb Ford injectors!
Nowhere on their site does it list nor have I ever heard of the MAF's being calibrated for smaller injectors then 19lbs.

For instance the stock 00 SVT MAF's usuable range of operations is 7kg/hr (.5v) to 645kg/hr (4.75v)

The 19lb Pro-M has a useable range of 10kg/hr to 840kg/hr (same voltages - the voltage range is controlled by the PCM's programming)

For those wanting a conversion - 1 CFM = 2.058 KG/HR

2000 SVT #674 13.47 @ 102 - All Motor! It was not broke; Yet I fixed it anyway.