For those of us staying in Huntsville Friday and/or Saturday night! Update!

Room rates are as follows...

Single Room (one person) will cost $30.00 a night
Double Room (two people) will cost $34.00 a night

These prices are under current online prices...

Current online prices as of right now are $36.95 and $43.95, respectively. We are getting a group rate, which is why it is lower then online prices. After we guarantee these rooms we can still get lower rates, if you see that the price has went down online, below the price we have right now, then let us know and Kim can request that we get that new rate. Yes she has done it before.

Bear in mind that these rooms are booked for two nights. We did this, so that those who want to stay two nights can and those that will not, need to let us know so that we can adjust your registration. It will make no difference in the price of the room.

Deposit will be $18.00 for each room. All 10 rooms are reserved as of right now. To guarantee the rooms, we will have to pay the deposit. Now this is why it will be so important for everyone that is staying in Huntsville to let us know ASAP, because after my wife and I find out how many will be staying, we will pay the deposits on all rooms in one lump sum after collecting the deposits. Also, the deposit is taken off the price of your room so that is a plus.

As of this morning, we have 10 rooms reserved, 5 rooms with 1 bed and 5 rooms with 2 beds. All I need now is to find out who else will be staying so that we can move foward with everyone else. Don't worry about sending deposits yet! I will let everyone know when the time comes.

To answer the question, "what happens if we don't have 10 people?". It will not be a problem. The room rates will be the same even if it is just the three of us.

The sign!!! Dude do we have a sign. Kim confirmed with the hotel in Huntsville this morning the avaliablity of the sign. The sign will read, "Welcome Contour Enthusiast Group!" Below that, "". Talk about some serious representing!! Way to go Kim!!

Anway! As of right now I think that is about it. Just waiting on everyone else to get in touch with me here or by PM with your information. We still have just over a month until the meet and I hate to sound like I am rushing everyone. I am not trying to. I just want us to have all this taken care of before hand. Of course we can adjust as needed up until the 10th of April.

This is gonna be so much damn fun!!
Originally posted by Kim:

(Kim the wife) If anyone has any problems with the hotel while we are there, please let me know and I will take care of it. If some one needs a room who did not tell me in advance after we get there let me know and I will try to get you a room at the group rate like every one else.

Oh yeah I asked about the outdoor pool and they said that weather permitting it will be open... BRING YOUR SWIMSUITS!!! OH beleive me we will be dunkin folks in it I swear, rather your asleep or not......
wouldn't we love to see every one in a bathing suit...
don't take it personally guys I just like having fun

I take no responsiblity to what was said in the quote above. I just want to make that clear to everyone right now!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime