A little update on the room situation for Huntsville....

We will find out in the morning about deposit information. Will update everyone on that then.

As for room rates... The rate that we have right now is about $10 dollars off the standard, but we can do better. What we are going to do is ask for online prices. This will take the two person rooms down around 32 bucks a night and a single person room down to around 30 bucks. We should still be able to get this price even if we do not have 10 rooms, but it does give us more leverage. I have some PM's to get out, to see if some are still coming. As of right now, it is looking good though.

Also, just to let everyone know, it will not matter if you want one or two beds. The prices will be the same. All rooms have data ports (that is a fancy way of saying that the room has an extra phone line for us laptop toatin' folks!), fridges and of course 25" TV. Yes they are color too! I tell ya I went all out on this one guys. Ok! My wife set this up, not me.

Anyway, just thought I would let everyone know.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime