Originally posted by RogerB:

If you want the max light output, get the Sylvania Xtravision. It's the same bulb and internal gas charge of the blue-filtered Silverstars without the light-filtering blue coating, or the increased scatter and glare of "blue" wavelength light (esp in bad weather.)

Yep, I'm with you! Just put in a pair of 9006's last weekend and am very happy with them. $9.95 each with a $4.00 rebate for two. I tried the Cool Blues a few years ago (for about 2 days) and replaced them becaused they.....how can I say this.....oh yeah, SUCKED!

Bruce O 98.5 SE Sport MTX, KKM, SVT exhaust 85 Z51 Vette stroker (just in case) Never forgetting the "Old Fart" Ray